Ms. Corcoran Ms.Maher

Ms. Corcoran Ms.Maher

Ms Corcoran


Teacher: Ms. Corcoran

Support Teacher: Ms. Maher

Ms Maher


Senior Infants

Welcome to Room 9 Senior Infants! We are all Super Learners! We always try our best and have fun in school each day. We love learning through play, reading and listening to stories and sharing with our friends. We enjoy learning and speaking Irish as well as learning words from different languages, thanks to the many cultures found in our classroom. We are looking forward to learning lots of new things this year!

The Voice of Mount Sion 2017

The boys in Mount Sion Primary are talented in many ways. The Student Council organised 'The Voice of Mount Sion' event again this year. Well done to all of the participants from round 1 to the final. We are so impressed with the ability and confidence of all entrants. Here is a short video of the 8 finalists. We would like to thank the Student Council for a successful and well organised event. Everybody involved deserves a big 'Bualadh bos'! Click read more to watch the final

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Working Together

Today was a fantastic day for our senior classes. Not only did our sixth class have a history walk, both 6th and 5th classes had the most interesting learning experience in the beautiful surrounds of the Ship Room of the Monastery! Both classes have been studying the life of an inspirational young Pakistani girl named Malala Yousafzai, a young girl shot by the Taliban for championing the right to equality and education for all. In conjunction with this learning, Ms McGailey arranged for both classes to get a lecture from Pakistani native, our own Brother Kevin from the Edmund Rice Centre. He delivered a most interesting presentation on his homeland which had the boys engrossed. He then introduced us to two modern day heroes from Afghanistan, Homayoon and Quadratullah. These two men are former workers with our own NGO, Concern and they spent much time trying to bring education to the children of their homeland, sometimes in the face of the most extraordinary dangers. They lost many colleagues and friends and their work and heroism really struck a chord with the boys. Thank you to Brother Kevin and his colleagues for a most enriching learning experience! It is something that I am sure will have had a most positive impact on the boys.

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