Ms. Corcoran Ms.Maher

Ms. Corcoran Ms.Maher

Ms Corcoran


Teacher: Ms. Corcoran

Support Teacher: Ms. Maher

Ms Maher


Senior Infants

Welcome to Room 9 Senior Infants! We are all Super Learners! We always try our best and have fun in school each day. We love learning through play, reading and listening to stories and sharing with our friends. We enjoy learning and speaking Irish as well as learning words from different languages, thanks to the many cultures found in our classroom. We are looking forward to learning lots of new things this year!

Room 20 are busy bees.

Mr Frisby’s 5th class have had an action packed year from Cooking and Science For Fun to meeting the one and only wolfhound in the Irish Army. We are also enjoying Junior achievement at present with David from Sanofi and are looking forward to making our 2nd visit of the school year to the city...

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Room 14 in action.

For engineers week we looked at what makes bridges so strong. In teams we made bridges from paper and balanced a tray on top and tested how many marbles each bridge could hold.We were also looking into the food pyramid. The boys loved this sorting activity. They had excellent conversations and worked as a team...

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Trinity College and Mount Sion

Mount Sion’s Campus is made up of our Pre/Play School, Primary School, Secondary School and the Edmund Rice International Heritage Centre. Following on from our Primary School winning the ’21st Century School of Distinction Award’ from Trinity College Dublin, we decided to take one step further and to have our efforts as a whole campus...

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