Happy Mother’s Day and Happy Saint Patrick’s Day!
The boys in Room 21 have been busy preparing for Mother's Day and Saint Patrick's Day. Check out their Art...
Agallaimh i Seomra 13!
Agallaimh i Seomra 13! Tír gan teanga, tír gan anam!
3rd Class Party With The Mayor
Room 20 were lucky enough today to be able to visit the Mayor in her office! The trip was arranged by our Junior Achievement representative Darren Skelton.
2nd Class Investigate Static Electricity
2nd Class have been investigating static electricity. Ms. Breen Smith is using discovery based learning to give the boys an opportunity to see how balloons can conduct static electricity.
Planting in Room 21
Room 21 are investigating plants. We know they need light, water and heat to grow. What happens if we put a plant in the dark? What happens if we don't water it and what happens to one in the fridge?
3rd Class Experiment With Light!
Here you can see 3rd class studying Energy and Forces. They are investigating the effects of light on materials.