Working together - We will achieve!
Creating cross curricular links in 6th class
The boys are busy practising athletic skills such as jumping and throwing. Their teacher has linked their P.E. lesson to the Maths curriculum and the boys are using measuring tapes to measure the length of their jumps and throws.
Mata Sa Rang – Becoming a Mathematician
The boys in Mount Sion Primary enjoy learning though play. Maths games provide a fun, active and co-operative approach to learning.
First Class – Busy bees.
First class love Art lessons and always produce wonderful creations.
Lots of learning in Second Class
We love learning in Room 11
TEDx Zurich Show Opener
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur tristique tempus sollicitudin. Praesent a nisi mi. Pellentesque ligula nulla, consectetur id volutpat sed, porta quis quam. Curabitur vel libero mi, ac rhoncus turpis. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque quis erat eget ante aliquet porttitor non elementum lectus. Nam dapibus elit non ligula...