Our school proudly hosted the Br. Dowling Cup Tournament today. Br. Dowling was the last Christian Brother to be Principal of Mount Sion. When he passed away in 2006 his family donated a magnificent cup to the school. To honour his memory and his contribution to Gaelic Games and their promotion in Mount Sion we now invite Edmund Rice schools in the South East of Ireland to take part in this annual event.

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CHAMPS Week Quiz

Today we had our CHAMPS Week GAA Quiz. Teams are made up of boys from 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes. It's a great opportunity for senior pupils to work with the younger boys, to show leadership and the younger boys take great pride in working with the older pupils. Here we see the teams listening to Mr. Fanning as

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CHAMPS Week is an important week in our school calendar. Every year in the month of June we celebrate our national sport of hurling. We are very proud of our close association with Mount Sion GAA Club and between school and club we have produced many fine

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