The boys were very busy making and eating pancakes today...
Super Activities From Mrs. Power’s First Class
See what room 7 have been up to lately...
Rhythm & Shakes Performance Video
Check out Room 22 doing their Rhythm & Shakes Performance.....
January Assembly 2015
Each month Mr. Walsh holds a Junior Assembly and a Senior assembly. This is an opportunity for us to celebrate our achievements with other classes. Each Mount Sion boy is encouraged to identify personal goals and to work hard to achieve them. These achievements are recognised in these assemblies.
5th & 6th Class become Engineers at WIT!
Thinking like Engineers.....
Literacy Power Hour !
Literacy Power Hour in Room 22.....
Room 22 Get Active !
Look at how much fun we are having learning all about Bike Safety....
Roots of Empathy
Roots of Empathy is a programme that room 21 are participating in Ms. Browne comes to talk to us every Wednesday and Baby Noe and his parents come to our class every third week. We learn how his parents take care of him and how we can take care of each other. Check out our pictures.
Long Division
5th class are learning the long division method at the moment. Click read more to see how to do it!