Ms. Meehan

Ms. Meehan

Ms Meehan


Teacher: Ms. Meehan

Support Teacher: Ms. Goss

Ms Goss


4th class

Fáilte go dtí rang a ceathair.

We love playing games, particularly GAA, football and basketball. We love learning and our favourite subjects include Maths, SESE and Gaeilge.  We enjoy art, computers and singing. Our class rules are respect each other, be kind to everyone, have fun and try your best! We always support and help each other. 

We are really looking forward to having a fantastic year together!

Congratulations – We have Maths Eyes!

We have the most amazing mathematicians in Mount Sion Primary School. We have received so many wonderful entries for our Maths Eyes Competition. Take a look... A huge thanks to all the families that took part.

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The Mayor Visits Our School.

This just in... 44 Mount Sion boys receive attendance certificates from the Mayor of Waterford, Lola O'Sullivan. The Mayor told our boys that these certificates are proof, that Mount Sion boys love coming to school and embrace learning. Click 'read more' to see our photos.

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