Ms. Wall
Ms. Wall
Ms. Wall

Teacher: Ms. Wall
Support Teacher: Ms. De Paor
Ms. De Paor

First Class
We are First Class. We love to learn in our classroom and outside too. We’ve been getting creative with cool art activities. We are also enjoying literacy and maths stations and we really love to read. We are super excited for a fun filled year.
Mount Sion Boys Make Headlines.
Our boys are featured in this week's Waterford News and Star.
Mount Sion’s Annual Project Competition
As in nature, Spring time also sees the corridors of our school burst into life in a crescendo of colour! Yes it's our Annual School Project time and the Trojan work of the past two months now adorns every nook and cranny of walls, floors and ceilings. Get ready to see how talented, diligent and creative our boys really are...
Super Activities From Mrs. Power’s First Class
See what room 7 have been up to lately...
January Assembly 2015
Each month Mr. Walsh holds a Junior Assembly and a Senior assembly. This is an opportunity for us to celebrate our achievements with other classes. Each Mount Sion boy is encouraged to identify personal goals and to work hard to achieve them. These achievements are recognised in these assemblies.
November Assembly 2014
Each month Mr. Walsh holds a Junior Assembly and a Senior assembly. This is an opportunity for us to celebrate our achievements with other classes. Each Mount Sion boy is encouraged to identify personal goals and to work hard to achieve them. These achievements are recognised in these assemblies.
The Mount Sion Christmas Concert
As Shakespeare once said ' All the world's a stage'. Our boys rocked the stage today from Junior Infants to 6th class. What a talented bunch of actors, dancers, singers and musicians we have! The much anticipated Christmas Show is tomorrow night. We can't wait to show these wonderful stage productions to you. Watch this spot for more pictures!