Ms. Coffey & Ms. Griffin

Ms. Coffey & Ms. Griffin

Ms Coffey


Teacher: Ms. Coffey

Support Teacher: Ms. Griffin

Ms Griffin


Junior Infants

Look at all of the clever boys in room 4 Junior infants. We are all best friends and have fun everyday in school. We love keeping fit and love learning in fun ways. We have been busy getting our fingers strong  so we can hold our pencils correctly. We know so many letters of the alphabet now and their sounds are helping us to read. We are doing paired reading now with our buddies in Mr Finnegan’s class. We love reading to our buddies, our buddies love reading to us. School is so much fun.

The Official Opening of our new All-Weather Facility ‘Clós Phádraig Uí Fhainín’.

Wow! What a day to be a Mount Sion man or woman! Today saw the official opening of our new All-Weather facility ‘Clós Phádraig Uí Fhainín’. The sun shone and we all smiled and got to be very happy for what was a great day for our school! It is an honour for our school to be associated with the Fanning family and we are so grateful that so many of Pat’s family were able to be present today. Many thanks to all the staff who helped organise today’s events, many thanks to the great support of our own Mount Sion GAA Club. The Club gave us €5,000 towards the project but we also got great advice and leadership from Peter Walsh, Chairperson. It was also great to see our Senior Hurlers playing on the new pitch with our pupils. It was fantastic to see so many parents come to celebrate with us, up to 40 parents joined us in the Hall for cakes, teas and coffees. We also welcomed back so many of our former teachers. It was lovely to have Mr. Declan Foley former principal in school today and of course the legendary Br. Griffey. Let us remember Pat Fanning’s inspiring words; ‘‘The future is ours to shape. Let us move towards it with confidence.” Mount Sion’s future is bright! Cnoc Síon abú!

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