Maths Stations with our TY friends.

Our stations this week:

1. Sequencing fractions, decimals and percentages.

Kuba helped us to order fractions, decimals and percentages from smallest to largest value.

2. Maths Eyes

Tommy helped us to investigate airport timetables and the world around us. We had to use our maths eyes to spot the maths in real life.

3. Counting

Liam played a counting game and we had to count in 4s,6s and 8s forward and backwards, He tried to catch us out by starting at various number besides 1. I.E. Count back from 48 in 4s.

4. Problem Solving

Tommy helped us to develop our problem solving skills by solving ‘The Fishy Problem’

5. Problem Solving

Ben helped us to problem solve using ‘The Age Old Problem’ page.

A constructivist approach

One procedure would be as
• children discuss the problem
• try a possible approach
• further discussion
• modify arising from the
• construct concepts from
• arrive at a solution or
• discuss results
• record