Ms. Wall
Ms. Wall
Ms. Wall

Teacher: Ms. Wall
Support Teacher: Ms. De Paor
Ms. De Paor

First Class
We are First Class. We love to learn in our classroom and outside too. We’ve been getting creative with cool art activities. We are also enjoying literacy and maths stations and we really love to read. We are super excited for a fun filled year.
The Voice of Mount Sion 2015
Today is the day when Mount Sion boys hit the stage for our 'Voice of Mount Sion' competition. These are the wonderful singers that brought the house down. Well done lads, we are extremely proud of each and every one of you.
School Tours @ Mount Sion Primary School
June is a very exciting time of year in Mount Sion Primary School. We have CHAMPS week, Maths Factor, The Voice of Mount Sion, 'The How High Can You Read' BBQ and of course each class goes on tour. You can see from our photos how exciting these trips are.
CHAMPS (Celebrating Hurling At Mount Sion Primary School) week 2015
CHAMPS (Celebrating Hurling At Mount Sion Primary School) week! Annually our yard hurling finals, begun over years ago by the great Br Dowling take pride of place this week! Such is their fame we are often visited by some very special visitors!
Mount Sion’s Fancy Dress Sponsored Walk 2015
What a day! The pupils, staff and friends of Mount Sion were out in force. The city of Waterford had a taste of how much fun it is to learn in Mount Sion. We had farm animals, crayons, surgeons, minions, book characters, circus folk, boys in the hood and even a pyjama party. Can you spot our staff in the photos?
Celebrating The Feast Day Of Blessed Edmund Rice.
The pupils from 2nd class to 6th class celebrated The Feast Day of Blessed Edmund Rice. Click read more to see our photo story.